Gunārs Kalniņš was born on 14 August, 1981.
Gunars has been admitted into the Latvian radio vocal ensemble “Dzeguzīte” when he was 4 years old and owing to songs of Maestro Raimonds Pauls, ensamble earned superstar status instantly both in Latvia and Russia.
In 1999 Gunars won a Grand Prix prize in “Mikrafona Televīzijas Vakars” (Micraphone Television Eve) with song called “Dziesmiņa Par Meklēšanu” (Song About Searching).
In 2000 after winning in song contest “Muzikālā banka” that was organised by Latvian Radio and Unibanka with song called “Baltā dziesma”(White song), and also contest “Dziesma 2000”(Song of 2000) with song “Piedod” (Forgive me), Gunars achieves great success internationaly – he wins Grand Prix In song contest “Baltic song contest” that was held in Sweden with songs “Tā bija” (It happened) and “Ja Es Varētu” (If I Could).
In the same year also cooperation with another great musician – Zigmārs Liepiņš – in song cycle, cantata “Teika”(The Legend) that was performed in Latvian Song Festival and few years later he was involved in creation of composers song album “Versijas” (Versions) as he performed song “Vēja Suns” (Wind Dog).
Gunars Kalnins established his own gospel choir “gg choir” and turned a new page in latvian music. Until now “gg choir ” has cooperated with almost every Latvian A-class musicians, including Maestro Raimonds Pauls, Zigmārs Liepiņš, Uldis Marhilēvičs, “Brainstorm”, “Cosmos”, “Tumsa”, Jay Stever, Linda Leen and others.
At the same time with these achievements Gunārs participates in different musicals: “Robisona Dārgumi”(Robinsons Treasures) in 2006, „Cits Šerloks Holmss” (Another Sherlock Holmes) and „Jāzeps Un Viņa Brīnumsapņu Mētelis” (Joseph and His Dreamcoat of Many Colours) – in The Daile Theatre, also “Makss un Morics” (Max and Moritz) – in musical theatre, andhe performed the main role in “Leļļu Opera” (The Puppet Opera) that was written by Jānis Lūsēns and Māra Zālīte and its premiere was at the beginning of 2008.
After meeting with old friend Jolanda Suvorova in performance “Robinsona Dārgumi” (Robinsons Treasures) they create amusing duet by performing song “What Love Can Do To Me” and achieve the third place in National Eurovision Contest in 2007.
Gunårs Kalnins has shown his composers and arrangers atlent by writing music for different shows and performances, for example, “Makss un Morics” (Max and Moritz) in 2007, “Siventiņi un Vilks” (The Little Pigs and the Wolf) in 2008, for animation films “Skapis”(The Closet) in 2004, and “Brālis un Māsa” (Brother and Sister) in 2009, and for documentary “Rīga, Mana Rīga” (Riga, My Riga).